this is our living room currently. like right now. steve and i took a mini vacay this week to a nearby
resort where we relaxed for a few days. we ate wonderful meals, slept in, and watched u.s. open tennis all day. while we were gone our first floor floors were refinished. we arrived home to a mess. every wall had to be wiped down. they were coated with a fine sand. kitchen cabinets needed to be emptied and cleaned. chandeliers disassembled and cleaned. like i said, a mess.
this is how the floors now look. they're beautiful. workers reinstalled baseboards yesterday. they're here now to paint them. tonight we'll be able to move back our furniture. we're in the home stretch of our renovation projects that we started in february. it's been a long haul. but we're super pleased with the results. i'll take photos next week so you can see too. and hopefully by then i'll have found the camera cord so i can download the photos.
the floors look lovely!
stunning!!! i'm jealous
The floors are gorgeous! Pixel, stay away from them! :) Ruby
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