this is my new mantra. because i'm in panic mode. holiday season does it every year. not personallly, but professionally. because of my shop. last year i couldn't keep up. my orders quadrupled during november and december, which i'm thankful for. as i one-man (woman) show though it was hard. i worked every day, all day, for six weeks. steve was ready to move out and away from my crankiness. i feel i'm a little more prepared this year. we'll see. but then i went and planned a trunk show at my house. it's in 2 weeks. pixelimpress and 3 other vendors will set up tables in my house for an evening of early christmas shopping. it has me stressed. part of me worries not enough people will show up and part of me worries too many will show up. again, we'll see. i'll just have to remember my new mantra.
Being a solo entrepreneur is never easy. I can relate to the constant worries about not selling too much, or having too many orders come in - and the fear that the family will move out because they can's stand all the piles of fabric everywhere... I hope you will have a successful holiday season and good luck with the trunk show!
wish I could be there for your trunk show!
Wow, your orders quadrupled?! That's great! Actually, I think mine did too compared to the summer, but 99% of jewelry I sell is already made, and I don't sell a ton, so it's a lot easier. I was thinking of placing an order soon. Maybe I'll wait until after the holidays. :) Best of luck at your show! I am sure it will be a huge hit. Wish I could come!
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