Saturday, December 22, 2012

merry merry! our christmas card!

our christmas card is always one of my favorite things to design each year. it takes months of planning and scheming to think about what silly getup/pose i can make pixel do. this year was challenging because we had to incorporate our newest member of the family, finnigan. and when we took this photo, finnigan had yet to learn basic manners. getting him to sit still for a split second was a challenge (and actually it STILL is!... 2 months later).

after lots of photos and some hysterical outtakes, we chose this as the best photo. the caption followed. (click to enlarge.)

last year's card. (i LOVE pixel's expression!) 
2010's card.
and 2009 (which was sent with a year's update from pixel). still one of my absolute favorite photos of pixel.

and with these, i am signing off until 2013. merry christmas! and thanks for following up with pixelimpress!


Anonymous said...

I love your cards! Your dogs are beautiful. Merry Christmas to you all!

Susannah said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the caption to the card this year! So cute and so true! We give Sam a voice all the time! Brittanies personalities are so funny its hard not to!
Merry Christmas!

Holly Gruszka said...

Happy New Year to you and the gang Pam! So glad that we connected this year and looking forward to much more in 2013.

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