Tuesday, June 21, 2011

the backyard

it's the first day of summer and for once seattle weather does not disappoint! after a drizzly, cold weekend, we finally have bright blue skies, lots of sunshine and a gentle breeze. i stepped out back with my trusty sidekick a little while ago to share it all with you.

let's start inside. the dining room. with a view of the beautiful french doors that steve put in last year. there was a window there first. (click on photos to enlarge.)
steve built this patio roof. post and beam style. i love it and will hate, hate, hate to leave it when we move.
one back corner of the yard.
lion's head maple.
the other back corner.
wildflowers at the tippy top.
and then there's this thing. you can't step out back without her and her obsessing over her tennis ball. that look says "i'm gonna stare at this thing until you put down that camera and toss it for me."
"see. i'm still staring."
"and still."
"thank you. now i'll rest over here in the shade with it for just a little while. but get yourself prepared to throw it again, cause i'll be back at your feet in a minute."
peonies! just about to bloom. i've waited 3 years for these to bloom. this year's the year.
"i'm getting ready to head your way."
i love this pillow from pottery barn.
those french doors.
"thank you."


Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

What a beautiful backyard! I could spend hours there ;) Cute dog, too!

I just bought peonies the other day and every time I look at them they make me happy :)

jacjewelry said...

Beautiful! Love how peonies start out as tiny blooms then open up into these full big flowers!

Anonymous said...

Your backyard is lovely! I had planted peonies in ours too but we moved before I actually got to enjoy them. :( Your dog is ADORABLE!!!

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