Monday, March 5, 2012

new art

we've got some new art around the house. a few weeks ago, i was ordering some stuff from paper source, one of my favorite stores. and i added this sheet paper/gift wrap , for $2.50, to my cart. i loved the colors and it went with the "theme" i've got going on in a hallway. i know what you're thinking.....and i don't like "themed" spaces either. don't worry, it's a very loose theme revolving around my husband's past water activites. and the colors lined up with my kitchen colors. the kitchen is at the end of that hallway.
i went to michael's and found this weathered wooden frame which is just perfect for the sheet wrap.
across the hall is this map. my mother-in-law brought it to me when she visited recently. i sometimes get a little worried when she says she's bringing something to us. she'll often call and say she found some of steve's old stuff in a closet while cleaning out her house and ask if i want it. this one she brought without asking. she knows that i like maps. she hit the nail on the head with this one. i love it! it's an aged map from steve's boy scout days.
the black line steve drew in. it was their canoeing path.she and i went to michael's and had it framed. we chose the frame together. and it's perfect.the last piece of artwork, which i didn't photograph, is some photos from steve's coast guard days. see, everything revolves around water, the theme.

this hall will soon be covered with this grasscloth. it'll be the perfect backdrop for all the art.


M. Denise C. said...

I sure do like the theme and the colors, Pam!

Holly said...

LOVE the fish in the frame! Very cool!!!

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