Friday, March 16, 2012

this little face...

shows up on my knee several times a day. it's her "please-take-me-out-back-to-play-with-my-tennis-ball" look. she was playing the other day and slightly injured her leg. she holds it up occasionally, but still walks, runs, jumps, and gallops just fine. so hubby and i decided no ball playing for her for a few days because sometimes she'll slide like she's stealing third base in the world series for her ball. so we hid her tennis balls. and now when i take her out back she can't figure out where her tennis balls are. her world has crumbled...she lives to play with her tennis balls. just for a few more days, pixel...til your dad and i (or the vet) make sure your leg is ok.


Susannah said...

poor Pixel! Hope your leg gets better soon!!

Holly said...

Awww poor Pixel! I hope her legs heals up and she gets her tennis balls back soon! :(

jacjewelry said...

Aww... get better, Pixel! XOXO, Ruby and Erica

Anonymous said...

oh, what a sweet face. wishing her leg heals swiftly!

pixelimpress said...

thanks everyone! my acl is partially torn, so mommy and daddy are keeping me "still". no jumping, no running, no fun. pixel

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