kelly smith (all last names and addresses have been changed to protect the innocent) is one of my favorite holiday customers. this is the 3rd year i've done her christmas card.
in 2009 she opted for this....

kelly and kevin got married in 2010. we incorporated this gorgeous wedding photo into her christmas card. it was sent out with persimmon envelopes. i loved this!

this year kelly was in a bind with a quality photo to use for her card. she said she wanted to somehow incorporate the new house they had bought in 2011. the card could then also serve as a change of address card. i asked her to simply sketch the house. and quickly... we were running out of time! she pulled through with this sketch. i loved her simple line drawing. it was exactly what i had in mind. (perhaps i should hire her to draw some artwork and i'll incorporate it into stationery for the
shop). then she came up with the brilliant idea to color in the christmas tree.

this is my favorite card i've done this year (ok, well, excluding my own... which i'll show you in a few days as they're still en route). we paired them with christmas red envelopes.
kelly hasn't seen these in person yet. they're heading to her now. hope she likes them!
love your work and posted the sweet treat card you made for me. they are so lovely.
thanks again-
i posted it on my blog - hop over!
happy holidays to you dear.
These are awesome! Bet she loved them.
These holiday cards are gorgeous!
I love your work. In fact, I just ordered your ikat business cards for my blog from the site, MadeByGirl. I can't wait until they arrive!
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